Provide examples of users interests and life events (i.e., people who have just moved or got married, or people who like sporting events).
If you have a specific service area, please provide that here (county, city, or ZIP code).
For instance, free shipping, your warranty, etc. What makes you different from your competitors? What does your business do that no one else can?
Be specific like the Better Business Bureau. You can add multiple organizations here.
Is it downloads, phone calls, newsletter sign-ups, form submits, or something else?
What do prospective customers ask you frequently?
If you are cross-linking, having knowledge of the domains and ensuring they are linked correctly is important.
You can describe your planned content schedule (if you have one)
Please provide a list of links and/or descriptions of activity from previous SEO vendors, if applicable.
Demographics, interests, etc.
This could be setting up redirects, adding in meta descriptions, or optimizing for page speed.
Driving more sales, brand exposure, list building (email sign-ups) etc.